It’s been one week since the official launch of the third installment of the Bob Kelty series, Moot! It was a fantastic event, hosted by Strathearn Arts in Rob’s hometown of Crieff, on Sunday 26th May. Thank you to everyone who came along!

In the run-up to the launch, Rob sat down for an interview with Isla Glen from The Courier, in which he gave exclusive insight into the inspiration for the novel, and explained why having the launch in Crieff was especially important for him. You can find the full article in the image below!

Rob’s interview with The Courier prior to the launch of Moot in May 2024!

If you couldn’t make it to the launch in person, don’t worry! We live-streamed the whole thing, so follow the link here to watch Rob give two fantastic readings from his new book, as well as talk passionately with Dr Ian Spring about the importance of Scots language fiction, the Moot itself, and much more! 

Rob McInroy’s third novel, Moot, is now available for purchase in paperback for £12.99 on our website and Amazon, or as a Kindle ebook for £5.99! 

Special thanks to Isla Glen and The Courier for taking the time to interview Rob, and for allowing us to post the article on our social media and website!