Dark Loch is an epic tale of the effects of the First World War on the lives of the residents of a small Scottish rural community. A crucial central strand is the long-running romance between tenant crofter Callum Macnair and Caitriona Dunbar, the beautiful daughter of the local Laird.
The story is initially set in the fictional village of Glenfay on the banks of Loch Fay on the west coast of Scotland. The main characters are the tenant crofters who work the land leased to them by the laird, Lord Charles Dunbar, and his family. The crofters live a harsh existence in harmony with the land and the changing seasons, unaware of the devastating war that is soon to engulf the continent of Europe.
The book vividly and dramatically explores the impact of that war on all the main characters and how their lives are drastically altered forever.
In the words of a pre-publication review: Dark Loch is a powerful exploration of the momentous impact of the First World War on a remote Scottish crofting community. A fitting memorial and a gripping read.
Dark Loch can be ordered now for £3.99 +p&p.
Title: Dark Loch
Author: Charles P. Sharkey
ISBN: 978-1-901514-14-8
Format: Paperback
Price: £3.99
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