Try Before You Buy – Listen to samples of our new audiobook Ruxton: The First Modern

At Ringwood, we understand that everyone loves a good sample of something before they
commit to buying, which is why we have three gripping excerpts from our new
audiobook Ruxton: The First Modern Murder by Tom Wood and narrated by Steve Worsley.

Have a listen to not one, not two but three (!!) carefully chosen extracts which embody the book as
a whole — the murder, the dismembering and the forensic evidence that helped convict Buck
Ruxton. Talented voice actor Steve Worsley brings the grisly tale to life through his wonderful

Click here to read our exclusive interview with author Tom Wood who will take you behind the
scenes of the audiobook process and why he specifically chose Steve to tell the story.

As always, we are extremely grateful to Publishing Scotland for funding this opportunity and
Offbeat Studios for their commitment to its production.

Chapter 4 Excerpt

Chapter 9 Excerpt

Chapter 14 Excerpt

Click here to buy the audiobook for £9.99. Happy Listening!

Author Tom Wood with Vikki Reilly, (Publishing Scotland), Steve Worsley (audiobook narrator), and Iain McKinna (Offbeat Studio Producer)