The Editorial team at Ringwood Publishing is thrilled to announce our 2021 Short Story Competition winner!

 “A Study of Perambulation”, by Emily Miller, is a clever character-driven story that draws parallels between love, family, mythology, and surprising truths about the human condition, with the gut-wrenching reality of being alive.

We know this young writer is going to go on to do great things in her craft and we are proud to be among the first to feature her work.

Emily is currently undertaking a Masters degree in Creative Writing at Edinburgh University.

You can read her prize-winning story here.

We would also like to thank all the talented Scottish writers who took the brave step of sharing their work with us.

There are some phenomenal voices out there carrying on this country’s proud literary tradition.

Thank you all for being a part of it. 

With love and pride,

The Ringwood Team